(+234) 8037945710, 8138084808, 8120740361, 8145768485


KiHSE Retired Workers Empowerment Scheme

- Empowering physically challenged, poor and/or vulnerable retired factory employees

KiHSE Retired Workers Empowerment Scheme

Theme: Standing with vulnerable retired employees of private sector enterprise (PSE)


  1. To create awareness of the socio-economic challenges faced by vulnerable private-sector enterprise (PSE) retirees
  2. To draw the attention of the public and stakeholders to the neglect of private-sector enterprise (PSE) retirees by their former employers
  3. To assist PSE retirees in obtaining their retirement benefits from their employers
  4. To educate vulnerable PSE retirees on the need to stay active and healthy
  5. To provide financial support and health packages to PSE retirees through donations
  6. To provide soft loans and funding for retiree’s startups businesses through support and collaborations with Microfinance institutions
  7. To enlighten vulnerable retirees on how to access the available free healthcare services and other interventions within their locality provided by the government, NGOs and other concerned bodies
  8. To provide assistive and counselling programs for the vulnerable and struggling households of PSE retirees

Kivos Health, Safety and Environment (KiHSE) Foundation

Kivos Health, Safety and Environment (KiHSE) Foundation is a Nonprofit Foundation established to train, certify and empower individuals, members of NGOs and NPOs, private and public employees on public health, environmental protection, occupational Health and Safety. We train private and public employees to meet global standards by ensuring best practice and compliance within and outside the work environment.