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KiHSE Covid 19 Rural Sensitization Campaign

- KiHSE Rural Awareness of Covid-19 Pandemic in Edo State

KiHSE Covid 19 Rural Sensitization Campaign

Theme: Standing with the Elderly in A Pandemic

SubTheme: Rural Awareness of Covid-19 Pandemic and the need to stay alert


  1. To create awareness of Covid 19 in the rural areas in Edo State
  2. To enlighten the rural dwellers about the source, transmission, symptoms and risk factors of Covid 19
  3. To educate rural dwellers to take care of their elderly as they are the vulnerable population
  4. To instil general safety consciousness in the rural areas
  5. To help elucidate some of their misconceptions about Covid 19
  6. To survey and ascertain their overall knowledge level of Covid 19

Our Survey Findings in Brief:

  1. Majority (60%) of the indigenes interviewed, had prior knowledge of the existence of Covid 19
  2. Among the knowledgeable group; majority (85%) of the indigenes did not believe that Covid 19 is real. 20% believed Covid 19 is for the elite members of the society, and the remaining 5% were nonchalant. 
  3. Majority (80%) of the elderly had no prior knowledge of the existence of Covid 19
  4. Generally, majority (70%) of the indigenes posits that Covid 19 is a scam setup by the Government to steal public funds through the proposed disbursement of “Covid 19 Palliative”. Which they never benefited. 
  5. Majority (85%) of the indigenes were unwilling to observe any Covid 19 preventive guide such as wearing of face mask, observing social distancing and others; even when we instructed. Because they felt Covid 19 is not real.
  6. Majority (70%) of the indigenes are not knowledgeable about what Covid 19 truly is, its mode of transmission and how to prevent its spread
  7. Majority (90%) of indigenes stated that they had never received any formal awareness and enlightenment visitation on Covid 19 by any governmental or non-governmental body
  8. Majority (50%) of the indigenes stated that they got to hear about Covid 19 from their family relatives living in the cities, 20% indicated radio, another 20% indicated religious centres and 10% indicated “word of mouth” within the community
  9. Majority (80%) of the indigenes were willing to listen and receive enlighten on the subject. However, 10% were aggressive and unwillingly to listen, while another 10% felt nonchalant about it and paid very little attention. 
  10. Majority (60%) of the indigenes were willing to receive future enlightenment on the subject

A more detailed report is being prepared for publication by KiHSE Foundation. More details on the report will be made available soon.

Kivos Health, Safety and Environment (KiHSE) Foundation

Kivos Health, Safety and Environment (KiHSE) Foundation is a Nonprofit Foundation established to train, certify and empower individuals, members of NGOs and NPOs, private and public employees on public health, environmental protection, occupational Health and Safety. We train private and public employees to meet global standards by ensuring best practice and compliance within and outside the work environment.